Director/co-writer Myriam Aziza's queer romantic comedy features a French woman (Sarah Stern) attempting to come out as a lesbian to her conservative Jewish family. Her long term relationship with her partner is threatened by her inexplicable attraction to a male Senegalese chef (Jean-Christophe Folly)....
西方传统的一年一度的万圣节又到了,据说在这个鬼魂和怪物自由出没的夜晚,只有遵循传统点燃南瓜灯的人才能安然度过。然而总有那么一些人因各种各样的原因而没能遵守这个传统,他们将接受最严酷的教训,甚至可能命丧黄泉。万圣节这天,格雷戈先生(布莱恩•考克斯 Brian Cox 饰) 和太太在午后还没过就弄坏了南瓜灯;四个打扮恶俗的女士在小路上高声谈笑;一群捣蛋鬼作了最最严重的恶作剧……这些不遵守规矩的人将在这个恐怖的午夜付出惨痛的代价!...
It was announced in April 2022 that Apple TV+ had greenlit the miniseries, which would see Idris Elba starring and executive producing. George Kay will write the series, and Jim Field Smith will direct....
Kids raised by parent on different sides of the law must unite to bring down a group of bad guys that have been kidnapping mobster's pets in order to take over the mob....